Here are some Links... other Crafters and Shops we know and love:

Teach Art 2 Me.Art classes and activities for children and adults by Honey, Love, and Butterflies.

TuffbaggsHand made bags...including tie-dyed cottons by us!
...and some other links:This list was last updated on 1/16/18
Copyright (c) 2003-2016 Wild Child Tie Dyes

bdy: tie dyes, Tie-Dyes for the whole Family,tie dye, tie dyed, tie-dye, tie-dyes, tie-dyed, tiedye, tiedyes, tiedie, baby, kid, infant, children, adult, clothing, shirts, tops, sox, gifts,
Fairtrade Wildchild Tie-Dyed Clothing, wild child, wild-child, wahm, organic, organic cotton, organic tiedye